Ads Compliance Manager

Provide notice and choice to support
AdChoices privacy compliance requirements


Provide Your Audience Transparency and Control over Ad Preferences

Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA), also known as Interest Based Advertising (IBA), requires that you provide users notice and choice regarding the use of their information. Managing this process across hundreds of ad campaigns and billions of ad impressions requires a technology solution that can operate at scale while providing a great user experience.


TrustArc enables brands, publishers, and ad tech platforms to comply with the DAA / EDAA / DAAC self-regulatory programs. Our Ads Compliance Manager simplifies AdChoices program requirements and enables you to provide users with transparency and control in making informed decisions over interest-based ads.

Ads Compliance Manager Consumer Notice
Simplify AdChoices Program Requirements
EDAA Authorized. TrustArc is an authorized EDAA Trust Seal Certification provider. For more information, visit EDAA Certification.


Scales with your business. Our simple, scalable, and flexible solution sits on top of a solid infrastructure that serves billions of impressions each week.
Detailed reporting. Understand your ads performance based on the number of impressions, AdChoices clicks, click-through rates, and opt-out selections.


Comprehensive reporting. Integrates with TrustArc Cookie Consent Manager to easily meet and manage both consent and ad preferences requirements from a single platform.




Ads Compliance Manager



TrustArc Supports the IAB EU Framework Blog



Solution Brief

How Ad-Supported Websites can Manage Privacy


Looking for help with DAA / EDAA / DAAC Advertising Compliance?